Deoxycholicacid Injection (Belkyra)

Deoxycholic Acid is an injection that can reduce  submental (under the chin) fat and redefine your jawline, effectively eliminating your double chin without surgery. 

Known as the"chin lift" Belkyra™ is the only Health Canada-approved non-surgical injectable for reducing moderate to severe fat deposits under the chin. It is commonly used to treat submental fat (double chin), which can be difficult, if not impossible, to lose via dieting and exercise.

When injected into a targeted area, it destroys fat cell membranes, allowing the fat inside to be released and naturally eliminated from the body.

A single treatment takes no more than 15 to 20 minutes to complete and requires no downtime.

How cool is that?? We are committed to helping you feel good on the inside while looking your best on the outside. To get started, give us a call at 506-455-4100.

*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.